In the first season, her son, Henry, a boy she gave up for adoption 10 years ago comes to her door on her 28th birthday to bring her to a town called Storybrooke. In this town, Henry believes that all of the people living there are characters from fairy tales but an evil queen cursed them so they don't remember who they are. Among the residents are Snow White and Prince Charming, who Henry believes to be Emma's biological parents, making Emma Swan the product of true love and the savior who can break the curse for good.
Emma Swan embeds herself into Henry's life after realizing that she wants to be a part of it. She becomes the sheriff of Storybrooke and of course, the one person having trouble with all of this is Henry's adoptive mother, Regina, the evil queen. Regina tries everything to stop Emma and make sure she doesn't take away her son, but in the end, Henry makes certain that Emma believes in magic and in the curse by sacrificing himself on a poisonous turnover. Once Henry's life hangs in the balance, Emma finally believes and teams up with Regina to save their son. There are a lot of things in season one that really show how far Emma has come in five seasons. Emma was not a believer. She got close to Graham and he got taken away from her. The great story arc for Emma was the idea of "home". In fact, that has always been her biggest problem. Henry was the first thing in her life that made her feel like she was a part of something. Emma had a home with Henry, so when her character transformation began the moment she decided to stay in Storybrooke, the idea of losing it was hard for her. All Emma ever knew before Henry was the feeling of abandonment and being a foster kid. She was good at running away and being by herself. Even Regina points out in an episode that Emma never put down roots anywhere, so she wasn't afraid if Emma inevitably decided to leave.
Not only did Henry begin making Emma feel like she belonged somewhere, but Mary Margaret became her roommate and gave her a place to stay. Of course, Henry informed Emma that Mary Margaret was Snow White (her mother), but Emma just saw Mary Margaret as a friend.
Going into season two, Emma was in new territory and when putting a character who isn't used to magic into a magical world, there is sure to be some challenges.
Emma falls through a portal to the Enchanted Forest and Snow White goes after her to not be separated from her daughter again. While David and Henry are stuck behind in Storybrooke with Regina and Rumplestiltskin, Emma and Snow return to what is technically Snow's home. Once Emma tries to come to terms with the idea that the Enchanted Forest would've been a home to her. She already informs Snow and Charming that even though she was finally reunited with her parents, she had been alone all of her life. Snow and Emma encounter Mulan and Aurora in the Enchanted Forest and are taken to a safe haven as prisoners where Snow reunites with Lancelot. When Emma and Snow have to go back to Snow's castle to find the wardrobe that transported Emma as a baby in hopes of returning home, Emma encounters her first ogre. The reason I'm emphasizing this moment is because during the time frame, Snow keeps informing Emma that she was new to the Enchanted Forest and didn't know that world as well. This proves true when Emma shoots her gun in the air and angers the ogre forcing the others to run. Emma proceeds with Snow to the castle and in one of the most emotional scenes delivered by Jennifer Morrison, Emma sees the nursery where she would've lived, completely destroyed by the curse. Snow informs Emma that she was going to teach her how to walk and talk, so Emma realizes that Snow had a whole life planned for her daughter and had to sacrifice it all for her safety.
The writers also decided to invite a new presence in Emma's life in season two. While back in the Enchanted Forest, Emma Swan met the infamous pirate, Killian Jones. AKA Captain Hook. Hook was working alongside Cora to try and get to Storybrooke so he could seek revenge on Rumplestiltskin. Since Emma and the others found him, he tried to gain their trust, but Emma's superpower (she can tell when someone is always lying), prevents him from doing just that. Emma threatens him, but instead he calls for a deal to help them retrieve a compass that can lead them back home. Emma and Hook climb the beanstalk. During the climb, fans got to see a side of Emma that was surprising. Hook could see through her like "an open book" and knew she was abandoned when she was younger. This character was a challenge for her and someone that understood her in a way that bothered her. Not only did the fans get to see Emma with Hook, but season two also gave fans the chance to know more about Emma's past. She was in love once, with a man named Neal Cassidy.
Neal came in officially into the second half of season two. For fans, Emma's abandonment issues were not only because of her parents, but because Neal left her behind. Neal was also Henry's biological father and the son of Rumplestiltskin. Of course, when Emma discovers this, not only is she mad at Neal for leaving her behind, but that he lied to her. Emma Swan still didn't have a sense of home with her parents, with Neal, or anyone other than Henry. Throughout the season, Emma felt like everyone she loved kept disappointing her and she still didn't feel a part of anything. Emma, however, was special. When Cora is unable to rip her heart out, it is revealed that Emma is more powerful than expected. Emma and her friends go to Neverland to save Henry when he is taken by Peter Pan in the beginning of season three.
I'm going to get personal here. In order to better discuss season three. Out of all of the seasons in Once Upon a Time, in my personal opinion, Season 3 was the best written. In Season 3A, the writers introduced Neverland, Peter Pan, and a whole lot of back story to Hook, Neal, and Rumplestiltskin. In Season 3B, the writers brought in the Wicked Witch and focused their attention on Regina. It's never bad when the lead character doesn't get much focus because Emma was always the main point of the show in my opinion.
This was the season for Emma to really find herself as a part of the Storybrooke world. I think that some of those moments really came through when Emma had to unlock Pan's map by admitting she was always an orphan and she still never felt like she had a family. Emma also had many human moments throughout the season when she admitted to Neal that she wished he wasn't alive so she didn't have to hurt again because she still loved him. Emma was also struggling to accept the fact that she was different and had magic which she wasn't used to at all. One of the most pivotal moments of the season is when Emma and Henry go to New York after the curse was cast again and they lost their memories. When Hook returns to New York to bring Emma back and restores her memories, Emma has this huge weight on her shoulders now. While Henry doesn't remember still, Emma knows that evil and magic isn't what she wanted and thinks that it would be best if she returns to New York with Henry after it's all over. For the longest time, Emma believes that Storybrooke isn't her home and I think they really explored that well in season 3.
Emma loses someone important to her again in this season, so of course she will feel disconnected. She doesn't want to attach to anyone or anything other than Henry because she's too afraid to get close, settle down, or have a home. Emma is running away in this season and not only does Henry want her to believe in herself, but Hook does as well. Even though the writers didn't put Hook and Emma as close yet in season two, Hook develops a bond with Emma in season three that makes it aware to the audience he loves her. I think that Emma knows that deep down and makes her pull away even more because she doesn't want to lose anyone else. It's a big challenge to face when Emma is uncertain about who she is to herself, not just to everyone she loves.
Emma and Hook fall through a time portal in the finale that takes Emma back to the first time her parents met and fell in love. When she accidentally interferes with them meeting, her and Hook go on a mission to unite the two of them so it doesn't mess up the story. While on this adventure with Hook, Emma discovers a lot about herself and her parents. She gets to know her parents and is around them when they first met and it gives her a deeper connection to who they are. After the mission is successful, Emma realizes how much she misses Storybrooke and finally accepts that she has found a home. By the end of season three, not only has Emma opened herself up to having a family and a home, but she also opens herself up to love again when Hook and Emma begin their powerful relationship into season four.
Going into season four, now that Emma has found a home and has opened herself to love, the next thing that Emma gets to conquer is accepting herself entirely, including her abilities. This season was big on Emma's past and learning to overcome what happened. Emma is the savior, but she struggles with her magic and though seeks help from Regina, inevitably alienates herself from her loved ones again. Emma is scared for her family and for herself. The writers introduced a pivotal character for the story. Elsa was someone as unique as Emma and even though the fans weren't crazy about the fact that Regina was no longer teaching Emma how to use magic, Elsa could relate to Emma's struggle.
Regina had no problems accepting her dark side and magic to go along with it, even though at first she wanted nothing to do with it. Regina did have an easier time using magic than Emma did. Emma's powers were extraordinary and terrified her to the point where she didn't want to hurt anyone and Elsa understood that best. Elsa served as a guide. I think it's vital that Emma doesn't always rely on Snow, Charming, Henry, or Hook to guide her through the challenges. Elsa was a perfect fit to do that for Emma and keep her on the good path. It wasn't until after Elsa left, when in season 4B, we figured out that Rumplestiltskin and the other villains wanted to find the author of the book and change the story. They wanted to corrupt Emma and make her dark, but because of Elsa, that was put to a stop. However, in season four, Emma faced her past once again when her old childhood friend, Lily came back into her life.
Emma had one of the most impressive moments in the entire season four that I think set the bar high for what her fate was going to be. After tracking Lily down, Emma had the decision to kill Lily or not, but Regina was there, making sure Emma didn't do something she would regret.
Emma Swan had faced her previous demons throughout the show. She was able to find a home with Henry and her parents. She found love with Hook and she accepted who she was, magic and all. Emma had everything she ever wanted finally and without a second thought, because that's who she became, a hero, she made a sacrifice for Regina.
Emma took in the darkness to become the Dark One to save her loved ones. Perhaps the most heartbreaking thing the fans didn't realize is that the writers were going to tear apart the epic relationship between Captain Hook and Emma Swan.
Though Emma was still good inside, she struggled in the beginning of season 5 as the Dark One. Rumplestiltskin was the voice inside her head and while her loved ones did their best to keep her from falling prey to the darkness completely, Emma always battled with it. I think this was a great way for the writers to give our leading hero a new challenge to face. After all of the previous things she struggled with, she finally had to face her own darkness and what she was capable of. The thing is, though a part of the darkness is in Emma, as the season unveiled more and more, it appears that Emma isn't as evil as one would've thought.
Emma's intentions became clear throughout the show after the Storybrooke regulars discovered they lost about six weeks of their memories and Emma had become the Dark One. Now that mid-season finale is upon us, Emma's secret was revealed. She turned into the Dark One to save Hook. When King Arthur captured Emma's loved ones in an effort to get Excalibur back from her and the spark, Emma came in ready to save her loved ones against Merlin. She used her dark magic to help them, but Hook ended up cut by the blade. Even though Emma healed his wound, when she tries to merge the blade and the Dark One dagger as one to free herself from the darkness, Hook's wound bleeds and he dies. Emma discovers that any part of the dagger and blade once merged can't be undone. Emma's vulnerability is most powerful in the scene when she takes Hook to a field of flowers and shows her true pain by tethering him to the blade to make him another Dark One.
I think it's going to be an interesting battle when the writers pin two loves against each other. One thing is for sure is that Emma has to make another choice. In every moment where Emma has had to make a huge sacrifice, she has lost something important to her and I have a feeling that Emma will protect Henry and her family more so than Hook. Hook has taken quite a shining to his new evil side and doesn't appear to be hindered by his true love for Emma. There is a lot of darkness in him and though Emma may be a Dark One, she doesn't seem to be fully taken by it.
Emma Swan has had the biggest transformation on this show and Jennifer Morrison has delivered her so well. I'm sure, like most Oncers, I'm eager for the moment where the Savior returns and The Dark One no longer remains. Once Emma Swan, the Savior, comes back, there is no telling what kind of excitement will happen. Fighting for power is one thing, but fighting for something you believe in has proved to be the best motivation for this show. Whether it's love, hope, or simply for good to prevail, I think the Savior is what it will take to bring Hook back.
There in lies the challenge. Emma must overcome her own darkness to save the one she loves and the ones she is trying to protect.
Once Upon a Time Winter Finale airs Sunday at 8/7c on ABC.
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