While introducing Oncers to Captain Hook (Colin O'Donoghue), the writers told of Emma's past when she was once in love with a man named Neal (Michael Raymond-James). At first, the writers weren't intending to keep Killian Jones in the show, but the fans responded to him so well that he became a series regular.
When Emma and Hook first met, she tried to kill him the moment she knew he was lying about who he was. Then, being the charming pirate he is, Hook managed to convince Emma to keep him alive so they could go retrieve a compass that can take them out of the Enchanted Forest. In the particular moment, when Hook and Emma are climbing the beanstalk, Hook understands Emma in a way that she isn't used to which is why the foundation that their relationship was built on would make for an interesting storyline. After spending years in Neverland, Hook recognizes an abandoned soul and sees it in Emma. Perhaps the moment where they truly understood each other was when Emma spotted a tattoo of Milah on Hook's arm and suddenly, both having been in love and lost it in a way, their characters had similar scars. Unfortunately, their current motivations were different. Hook wanted revenge on Rumple and Emma wanted to get home, so both of them needed the compass. Hook was instilling Emma to trust him somehow, but in the long run, she chained him and left him in the giant's home. Emma didn't want to take a chance that she was wrong about him, which meant she did trust him, but wouldn't risk it.
Towards the end of season two, the writers decided to change Hook's motivation. Hook aided Emma and her friends in going to Neverland to rescue Henry. At first, it was unclear as to why Hook changed his mind, but through the first half of season three, the writers revealed that Hook had feelings for Emma.
In the Echo Caves, Hook confessed his secret that he realized he found someone else in his life that he might actually love. The writers teased the idea of Captain Hook & Emma Swan with their first official kiss in Neverland, which was of course delivered passionately. There is no doubt there is an excellent chemistry between Jennifer and Colin. Emma kissed Hook as a way of gratitude when he taunted her to give him a kiss after he saved Charming's life. However, no epic love story is complete without obstacles. First, Hook might've admitted he had feelings for Emma, but Emma was denying any chemistry between the two of them. Then, Neal came back into Emma's life. So after returning from Neverland, Hook decided to stand aside so Neal had a chance for the sake of Henry. When Pan cast the curse again, Emma and Henry ended up in New York and it was Hook who tracked Emma down and went to restore her memories.
That particular episode was refreshing since it tapped into the old-fashioned Hook that Oncers fell in love with in the first place. He was witty, charming and was back to exchanging that banter with Emma. Once Hook restored Emma's memories and they returned to Storybrooke, Hook slowly tried to connect with Emma again, but she was disconnecting from her home and everyone she cared about. She didn't want to stay in Storybrooke, so while Hook and Emma tried to take down the Wicked Witch with the others, the life of danger and turmoil brought them closer together. In particular, writers know that there is usually a serious situation that tests the bond between two people who love each other deep down. Now while Emma ends up saving Hook after he drowned and she loses her powers, that wasn't the moment in season three that brought the two closer together. Hook and Emma fall through a time portal back to The Enchanted Forest and have to bring Emma's parents back together after interfering with their first meeting. It's through this great adventure that Hook and Emma become close.
The episode was packed full of fun and charm. Emma had to flirt and distract the past version of Hook, which made for an interesting dynamic that Emma got to know what he was like prior to the Hook she knows. Through that adventure, the characters were able to find a sense of trust in each other and when Emma asked Hook about how he got to her in New York, he confessed he traded his ship to get a magic bean to reach her. When she heard that, Oncers were excited when Hook and Emma's relationship had a point to pick up from heading into season four.
Captain Hook & Emma Swan had the chance to explore this relationship and a softer side of Hook at that. In season four, the writers wrote in their first date together which was an adorable breath-of-fresh-air to say the least after all the villains they faced. Hook took Emma to a romantic restaurant, ditched the old pirate garb for new threads, and also asked for his hand back. Though that didn't work out with the hand, the characters stayed strong throughout the season. Even when Emma struggled with her powers, Hook was there for her, telling her that he loved her for everything she was. When Rumple stole Hook's heart, Emma restored it to him proving that no matter what happens, they are both there through all of the extremes. In the alternate universe, Hook didn't know who Emma was, but when they met, it was a nice chance to be reminded of that spark they had when they first met only Hook was more of a coward this time around. It took Hook dying in the alternate world in order for Emma to realize how she truly felt about him. Fans had been waiting for a long time for Emma to admit how she felt because she was afraid of getting close, but it finally happened.
Emma told Hook she loved him before she took in the darkness. Now, already a few episodes into season five, Hook is up against The Dark One. The reason this works now at this particular moment of the show are for a few reasons.
Telling a love story between consistent characters is one of the biggest challenges ever. In Chuck, there was always a "will they/won't they" scenario between Sarah and Chuck and eventually they put the two characters together. However, they got together in Season Three, much like Hook & Emma. Friends also had the difficult challenge of Ross and Rachel and sent fans on a rollercoaster ride with those two, but kept a consistent bond between Chandler and Monica for most of the series. The problem with creating a consistent relationship is sometimes, the spark fades the longer a couple is together and there is nothing to challenge the couple anymore. With Charming and Snow, their relationship automatically started in season one and that's why it has worked so well.
What makes Hook & Emma work from the beginning is the writers have also paralleled the relationship to Snow and Charming in a way. Snow and Charming are both heroes, so Hook adds for an interesting change, but both Snow & Emma tried to kill their loves in the first meeting. Snow knocked Charming over the head with a rock and Emma held a knife to Hook's throat. Snow and Charming had this witty banter for a long time and took them a while to admit their feelings for each other much like Hook and Emma. Both couples have been through a lot of to be together. Snow and Charming have been together early on and Hook and Emma officially became a couple in season four. The moment you finally give the fans what they wanted to bring these two together, you have to challenge the couple.
Lately, the response to Dark Swan isn't that great. There is fear that Hook and Emma will fall apart because of the darkness inside of her. This time, in this particular moment, the writers can't parallel Snow and Charming in a situation like this. Parallel the couple Rumple and Belle and here's why Hook and Emma will more than likely survive.
Belle fell in love with Rumple when he was the beast. She saw past the darkness and she chose to love him for what he was when she was trapped in his castle. No matter what Rumple did, Belle stood by him and even after she forced him across the town line, she still loved Rumple. Hook fell in love with Emma Swan prior to The Dark One. Emma chose to make a sacrifice to protect the town and Hook was technically a villain prior to all this. Emma chose to see the best in Hook no matter what, so it's time for Hook's transformation to shine. Everything that Emma helped him to be, who he is now, is what will test their relationship because Hook is going to have to dig down deep to remember that everyone has darkness inside of them. It was because of Emma that Hook was able to transform, so what she has inspired him to do is going to be the counterpart for this season to help Emma.
Every couple has to beat the odds throughout a show. For a character like Emma Swan who had been good most of the show, struggled with the darkness inside of her in season four, then became dark officially, it adds for an interesting dynamic when Hook had the exact opposite transformation.
Love isn't easy. Snow and Charming might be true love, but in order to have what they have, they had to work at it and they constantly lost each other and found each other. A lot of what the show explores in the love interests is having faith and hope in each other. Though Emma is dark, she still loves Hook. If a show writes an easy relationship, it's just not realistic to how real love is in the real world. Everything takes work. That's how you really know you love someone. If they are worth fighting for, much like this show has proven throughout the last few seasons.
Once Upon a Time airs on ABC at 8/7c on Sundays.
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